samedi 14 juin 2008


I've made some tests with the SSAO implementation provided by Alex Urbano Alvarez

That's some stimulating results. I'm curious to see how it will look with normal maps.
And I'm also curious to compare to depth ambient occlusion shader.

More on different ambiant occlusion techniques here.

jeudi 12 juin 2008

Adventure for shadowrun 4

I've written a original adventure for Shadowrun. Making a fully playable adventure take me a lot of time and effort but, finally, I'm proud of it.
Writing interactive story is always a nice challenge.

You can read and discuss this adventure here (in French).

vendredi 6 juin 2008

AITC for 180 screen

The pre pre pre alpha version of my AITC project is released ....

The goal is to provide a general framework / engine for projecting 3D application on 180 degrees screens or, a little more complex, for the panoscope. This kind of hardware are relatively accessible at Montreal. So, why not ?

It's coded with XNA in order to use the 360 Xbox as rendering machine, decreasing the installation cost.

A video will be soon available, as soon as I correct the ugly normal mapping that I have committed heu... implemented.

Note : this project use some old assets that I've designed in an previous project.

3D scan

A little test made with Max and Virtools about 3D scanner integrations. The model has been provided by Creaform.
The high res model is simplified and normal maps are extracted. At the end, the low res model is displayed with a basic normal map shader.

Application available online here.

I hope it's the first steps for some facial animation work.

jeudi 5 juin 2008

Mr Box strike again

A video from a little game prototype designed as an exercise for the "Advanced algorithmic class".
It's a "Godzilla simulator" : the player controls a beginner Godzilla and needs to break more building than his opponent in one minute. A building is destroyed after 4 collisions.

The opponent, a depressed Godzilla try to catch the player to speak him about his problems, making the player loose precious seconds.

Made with Max, MotionBuilder and Virtools in around 24 hours. The game is playable online here.

I hope to be able to push the concept with more various buildings, some basics physics, and the ability to hide from the other guys.